Journey to self
I draw inspirational pictures for kids. The themes of my illustrations arrive from the wisdom written, said, filmed or sang thousands of times but still neglected by many. The reason we fail to notice the wise message lies in our childhood when we didn't learn to be sensitive to it. A personality of each of us was built from outside mostly by general rules, commands, expectations, public models... But our spirit also need to grow!
There is already a limited issue of Journey to self in english, but to order this from abroad please send an email to
Games for Kids
I create board games so my family can sit together around one table. It is a pressures time that gives us an opportunity to communicate, have fun and tease each other. The games allow even the youngest members of a family to feel an important contestant. Thanks to the games, kids gain knowledge playfully. The experience with my own children helps me with the purpose. They were till now published in Holland and Estonia.Look for a titel 4 dieren bordspellen or 4 wereldreis bordspellen in Holland.
Look for a titel 4 reisiselli lauamängud in Estonia.
Audio a video
Interview in Czech Radios
7. september 2014, 55 min. - Č. Rozhlas Hradec Králové
Interview about me
8. august 2014, 22 min. - Č. Rozhlas Hradec Králové
Interaktiv boardgames for kids
13.october 2012, 50 min. - Č. Rozhlas Hradec Králové
Borneo with kids + Afrika
12.april 2012, 33 min. - Č. Rozhlas Dvojka
About me and games Evou Kvasničkovou